Corrales Teas and Chocolates
Corrales Teas and Chocolates: A wonderful spot in Corrales, NM where you can buy a plethora of local goods!
The campaign launch at Pamina and Michael’s beautiful hilltop home drew many supporters to listen to Speaker Javier Martinez, State Treasurer Laura Montoya, and of course Representative Kathleen Cates.
Join Democratic State Senators and Representatives for a Campaign Reception Supporting Representative Cates’s Reelection. Tuesday, 16 July 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM Range Café Bernalillo925 S. Camino Del Pueblo, Bernalillo, NM 87004light food and refreshments provided Click here to RSVP and contribute.
HB123, Introduced by Senator Harold Pope (D-Bernalillo) and Representative Kathleen Cates, would make public libraries ineligible to receive state funding if they ban material based on political or religious ideology or other arbitrary factors. Read the story and watch the video here.
This month’s focus: The Creative Economy, Arts, and CultureCome join us with Representative Reena Szczepanski (House Majority Whip) on the new NM State department on growing our Creative Economy. Your presence and support are vital to the success of this campaign! Address sent upon RSVP RSVP Here
Representative Cates was the keynote speaker at the 8 March meeting of the Land and Water Summit, held at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. She had previously joined an all-day, 6-site field trip to study low water use commercial landscaping that works—as well as see sites that need help. She also visited a green storm…