5 Jan 2024 NM Tax Dollars must go to local hospitals and clinics

Representatives Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson, Eleanor Chavez, and Kathleen Cates in the Sandoval Signpost: In the last Legislative Health and Human Services Committee, members were presented with the shocking reality that New Mexico is home to the largest percentage of private equity owned hospitals in the nation. As legislators, we are committed to demanding transparency and…


13 Dec 23 Cleveland High School teacher wins National Milken Educators Award

Cleveland High School teacher Ashali Knoell won the prestigious National Milken Educators Award. The Cabinet Secretary of Education, RRPS Superintendent, past recipients, the entire school (including the awesome marching band) as well as the RR Mayor, 3 Legislators (Kathleen was one), and the Sandoval County Commissioner were there to congratulate the recipient. Ashali Knoell won…